Virgo Sun | Cancer Moon | Libra Rising


Your astrology combination consists of a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising. Understanding this combination will provide insight into your personality, behavior and approach to life. Your Sun sign represents your ego, the Moon sign represents your emotions, and the Rising sign represents the image you project to the world.

Sun Sign Meaning:

Virgo, as the sixth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the symbol of the Virgin. Virgo is known for its analytical, practical, and detail-oriented nature. As a Virgo Sun, you are likely to be diligent in your work and highly organized. You are likely to set high standards for yourself and those around you. Your desire for perfection can sometimes lead to criticism of others or being overly self-critical. Your Sun sign makes you very concerned with the practical aspects of life, such as career and finances.

Moon Sign Meaning:

Cancer, as the fourth sign, is represented by the symbol of the Crab. Cancer is known for its sensitivity, nurturing nature, and strong intuition. As a Cancer Moon, you are likely to be empathetic and highly attuned to the emotions of others. You are likely to be deeply affected by other people's moods and find comfort in nurturing those around you. At times, your sensitivity may cause you to be moody, and you may struggle with letting go of past hurts.

Rising Sign Meaning:

Libra, as the seventh sign, is represented by the symbol of the Scales. Libra is known for its appreciation of beauty, charm, and balance. As a Libra Rising, you are likely to be diplomatic and highly focused on creating harmony in your relationships. You are likely to have a charming and sociable demeanor that makes others feel at ease around you. At times, your desire for harmony may cause you to avoid conflict and be indecisive.

Sun-Moon-Rising Combination Meaning:

Your combination of Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising creates a complex and harmonious personality. The analytical and practical nature of Virgo Sun complement the nurturing and empathetic nature of Cancer Moon. As a result, you are likely to be able to balance your emotional needs with your practical obligations. Your Libra Rising adds a sense of charm, diplomacy, and balance to your personality, which can help you navigate your relationships and create harmony in your life. However, with this combination, you may struggle with decision-making due to your Libra Rising's avoidance of conflict and your Cancer Moon's emotional sensitivity. It's crucial to find a balance between considering others' feelings and making decisions that are in your best interest. Your perfectionism may also cause you to be overly-critical of yourself and others, leading to feelings of self-doubt and alienation.


Overall, your combination of Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising creates a personality that is practical, nurturing, empathetic, and diplomatic. Your ability to balance your emotional and practical needs make you a valuable friend and colleague. Your Libra Rising's charm can help you navigate difficult situations and create harmony in your relationships. However, your perfectionism and avoidance of conflict may cause you to struggle with decision-making and self-criticism. It's important to find a balance between considering others' feelings and making decisions that are in your best interest.