Pisces Sun | Aquarius Moon | Sagittarius Rising


Your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs work together to influence your personality and inner motives. Understanding how these signs influence your psyche can give you a more in-depth understanding of yourself. If you have a Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Sagittarius Rising combination, read on to explore what each sign means and how they work together.

Sun Sign Meaning: Pisces

As a Pisces Sun, you have a natural inclination toward creativity, imagination, and sensitivity. You may feel deeply empathetic towards others, and this empathy can cause you to take on their moods and emotions as your own. Your desire for escape from reality can sometimes lead to overindulgence in substances or unhealthy coping mechanisms. However, you are also highly intuitive and have a keen understanding of the emotions of others. Your creativity and sensitive nature can take you far in artistic fields or in helping professions such as counseling or social work.

Moon Sign Meaning: Aquarius

With your Aquarius Moon, you have a natural tendency to be intellectual and curious. You seek out knowledge and enjoy finding new, unconventional ways of looking at the world. This Moon sign also gives you a strong desire for independence, which can sometimes manifest as aloofness. You have a natural talent for seeing the bigger picture and can see things from multiple perspectives, making you a great communicator and problem solver. You may struggle with expressing your emotions, and may prefer to approach relationships from a more logical standpoint.

Rising Sign Meaning: Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius Rising, you project a confident, adventurous spirit to the world. You have a natural charisma that draws people to you, and you love exploring new places and ideas. You have a keen sense of justice and a strong moral compass that you aren't afraid to share, even if it means rocking the boat. This rising sign also gives you a love for learning and experiencing all that life has to offer. You may struggle with committing to relationships or responsibilities that feel too confining, instead preferring to maintain your freedom and independence.

Sun-Moon-Rising Combination Meaning

As a Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Sagittarius Rising, you have a unique personality blend that makes you highly creative, empathetic, and intellectually curious. You approach the world from a sensitive, imaginative standpoint, but also have a natural talent for problem-solving and communication. Your Sagittarius Rising gives you a love for adventure and exploration, but can also make you resistant to commitments that feel too confining. You may find that you struggle with expressing your emotions, but have a deep understanding of others' emotions and motivations. This combination is particularly well-suited for creative and artistic pursuits, social work, or counseling, where your ability to empathize with others and communicate effectively can be put to use. You may also find yourself drawn to fields that require unconventional thinking, such as science or technology, where your Aquarius Moon can help you excel.


As a Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Sagittarius Rising, you have a unique blend of sensitivity, intellect, and adventurousness. You approach the world with an empathetic heart, but can also see things from multiple perspectives and enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences. You have a natural talent for communication, problem-solving, and helping others. Your biggest challenge may be in feeling confined by responsibilities or commitments, but when you find a path that aligns with your values and passions, you have the potential to thrive.