Leo Sun | Libra Moon | Scorpio Rising


In astrology, understanding someone's Sun-Moon-Rising combination is crucial in assessing their personality and inner workings. These three placements in the zodiac reveal different aspects of an individual's character. For those born with a Leo Sun, a Libra Moon, and Scorpio rising, their personality is likely to be a unique combination of traits.

Sun Sign Meaning

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the Sun. Those born under this sign are known for their love of attention and their charismatic demeanor. Leos are natural leaders who exude confidence and have a zest for life. They are creative, independent, and generous individuals who enjoy being the center of attention. At times, they can be proud and stubborn, but their warmhearted and loyal nature makes them a delightful friend and companion.

Moon Sign Meaning

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Venus. Those with a Libra Moon are charming, diplomatic, and harmonious individuals. They value peace and balance in their relationships and surroundings. Libra Moons crave companionship and thrive in partnerships, but they can be indecisive and have a hard time making choices. They are aesthetically inclined and enjoy the finer things in life. Libra Moons have a natural gift for seeing both sides of an argument and finding a compromise.

Rising Sign Meaning

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Pluto. Those with Scorpio rising are intense, passionate, and mysterious. They have a powerful presence that can be intimidating to others. Scorpio risings are intuitive and tend to have a sixth sense for detecting hidden motives and agendas. They can come across as brooding or secretive, but once you earn their trust, they are fiercely loyal and protective. Scorpio risings don't shy away from difficult or taboo topics and have a magnetic energy that draws people in.

Sun-Moon-Rising Combination Meaning

With a Leo Sun, a Libra Moon, and Scorpio rising, this individual's personality is a unique blend of fiery passion, charm, and intensity. They have a warm and generous nature, but their intensity and magnetism can sometimes be overwhelming. This combination gives the individual a natural ability to attract others and be a leader, but they also have a deep desire to maintain balance and harmony in their relationships. They have a confident and independent spirit, but at the same time, they seek validation and approval from those around them. They possess a natural appreciation for beauty, both inside and out, and are attracted to people who share this same appreciation. This combination can also make the individual prone to moodiness and emotional outbursts, especially when they feel their desires are not being met. Their Scorpio rising gives them a mysterious and enigmatic quality, which can sometimes make them appear unapproachable. However, once you gain their trust, they are fiercely loyal and dedicated. They have a strong intuition and can sense when a situation or person is not what they appear to be.


This Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio rising combination exudes a unique blend of charm, passion, and intensity. They are natural leaders who enjoy being the center of attention, and at the same time, they value harmony and balance in their relationships. Their Scorpio rising gives them a mysterious and magnetic energy that draws others in, but they can also be intimidating to some. Understanding this Sun-Moon-Rising combination can help the individual embrace their strengths while working on their weaknesses to become the best version of themselves.